
Operating Procedure

Technical Support

Note: If you intend to run any licensed software on your PC using Hercules, it is your responsibility to ensure that you do not violate the software vendor's licensing terms.

To start Hercules enter this command at the host's command prompt:

    hercules  [ -f filename ]           |  [ --config=filename ]
              [ -r rcfile ]             |  [ --rcfile=rcfile ]
              [ -b logofile ]           |  [ --herclogo=logofile ]
              [ -d ]                    |  [ --daemon ]
              [ -e ]                    |  [ --externalgui ]
              [ -p dyndir ]             |  [ --modpath=dyndir ]
              [ -l modname ] ...        |  [ --ldmod=modname ] ...
              [ -s symbol=value ] ...   |  [ --defsym=symbol=value ] ...
              [ -v ]                    |  [ --verbose ]
              [ -h ]                    |  [ --help ]
              [ -t[factor]]             |  [ --test[=factor]]
              [ > logfile ]



is the name of the configuration file. The default, if none is specified, is hercules.cnf. The default may be overridden via the HERCULES_CNF environment variable.


is the name of the Hercules .RC run commands file. The run commands file automatically executes panel commands upon startup.


is the name of the Hercules logo file. The logo file is the initial welcome screen presented when a TN 3270 terminal connects to a hercules 3270 device.


specifies that Hercules is to be run in 'daemon' mode, wherein it runs invisibly with no attached console.


indicates Hercules is to be controlled by an External GUI.


is the directory from which dynamic modules are to be loaded. The default depends on the host platform on which Hercules is being run. This option overrides the default.


is the name of an additional dynamic module to be loaded at startup. More than one additional module may be specified, although each must be preceded with the -l option specifier.


the name of a symbol and its associated value to be used in configuration file processing or panel commands. See the command 'defsym' for more information on using symbols. The '-s' option may be repeated. Note: 'value' may be quoted to contain imbedded blanks.


sets the message-level to verbose. This is the same as entering the command msglvl +verbose.


displays help information regarding the syntax of command-line arguments.


starts Hercules in test mode, activating special .rc file script commands used only by QA test scripts. Normal Hercules use should never specify this switch.

factor is an optional test timeout factor within the range 1.0 to 14.3. The test timeout factor is used to adjust each test script's specified timeout value to compensate for the speed of the system on which they are running.

Use a factor greater than 1.0 on slower systems to slightly increase timeout values giving each test more time to complete.

Please note that due to manner in which command line arguments are parsed this option must be specified as one argument. Thus "-t2.0" is correct whereas "-t  2.0" is not. Oftentimes it is easier to use the long --test=factor syntax instead.

Test timeout values (specified as optional arguments on the special runtest script command) are a safety feature designed to prevent runaway tests from never ending. Normally tests end automatically the very moment they are done.


is an optional log file which will receive a copy of all messages displayed on the control panel

Next connect a tn3270 client to the console port (normally port 3270). The client will be connected to the first 3270 device address specified in the configuration file (this should be the master console address). If your master console is a 1052 or 3215, connect a telnet client instead of a tn3270 client.

Now you can enter an ipl command from the control panel.

The main Hercules screen contains a scrollable list of messages with a command input area and system status line at the bottom of the screen.

To scroll through the messages, use either the Page Up or Page Down keys, the Ctrl + Up Arrow or Ctrl + Down Arrow keys, or the Home or End and/or the Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End keys.

Use the Insert key to switch between insert and overlay mode when typing in the command input area. Use the Home and End keys to move to the first or last character of the command you are typing, or the use the left/right arrow keys to move to a specific character. Use the Escape key to erase the input area.

Pressing Escape when the command input area is already empty causes the screen to switch to the semi-graphical "New Panel" display mode, which shows the overall status of the system and devices.

When in the semi-graphical "New Panel" display mode there is no command input area. Instead, single character "hot keys" are used to issue some of the more common functions such as starting or stopping the CPU. The hot-keys are those which are highlighted. Pressing the '?' key displays brief help information on how to use the semi-graphical panel.

Normal cursor handling
Key Action
Esc Erases the contents of the command input area. If the command input area is already empty, switches to semi-graphical New Panel.
Del Deletes the character at the cursor position.
Backspace Erases the previous character.
Insert Toggles between insert mode and overlay mode.
Tab Attempts to complete the partial file name at the cursor position in the command input area. If more than one possible file exists, a list of matching file names is displayed.
Home Moves the cursor to the start of the input in the command input area. If the command input area is empty, scrolls the message area to the top.
End Moves the cursor to the end of the input in the command input area. If the command input area is empty, scrolls the message area to the bottom.
Page Up Scrolls the message area up one screen.
Page Down Scrolls the message area down one screen.
Up arrow Recalls previous command into the input area.
Down arrow Recalls next command into the input area.
Right arrow Moves cursor to next character of input area.
Left arrow Moves cursor to previous character of input area.
Ctrl + Up arrow Scrolls the message area up one line.
Ctrl + Down arrow Scrolls the message area down one line.
Ctrl + Home Scrolls the message area to the top.
Ctrl + End Scrolls the message area to the bottom.

The following additional keyboard functions are effective when the Hercules Extended Cursor Handling feature (OPTION_EXTCURS) is activated at compile time. At present, this feature is activated on the Windows platform only:

Extended cursor handling
Key Action
Alt + Up arrow Moves cursor up one row.
Alt + Down arrow Moves cursor down one row.
Alt + Right arrow Moves cursor right one column.
Alt + Left arrow Moves cursor left one column.
Tab If cursor is outside the command input area, moves cursor to the start of the input in the command input area. Otherwise behaves as described in previous table.
Home If cursor is outside the command input area, moves cursor to the start of the input in the command input area. Otherwise behaves as described in previous table.
End If cursor is outside the command input area, moves cursor to the end of the input in the command input area. Otherwise behaves as described in previous table.

The following is what is displayed on the Hercules harware console (HMC) in response to the '?' command being entered. Please note that it may not be completely accurate or up-to-date. Enter the '?' command for yourself for a more complete, accurate and up-to-date list of supported panel commands:

    Command      Description
    -------      -----------------------------------------------
    !message    *SCP priority message
    #            Silent comment
    $locate      Display sysblk, regs or hostinfo
    $test       *Your custom command (*DANGEROUS!*)
    $zapcmd     *Enable/disable command (*CAREFUL!*)
    *            Loud comment
    .reply      *SCP command
    ?            alias for help
    aea          Display AEA tables
    aia          Display AIA fields
    alrf         Command deprecated: Use "archlvl enable|disable|query asn_lx_reuse" instead
    ar           Display access registers
    archlvl     *Set Architecture Level
    archmode     Alias for archlvl
    asn_and_l    Command deprecated: Use "archlvl enable|disable|query asn_lx_reuse" instead
    attach      *Configure device
    auto_scsi   *Command deprecated - Use "SCSIMOUNT"
    autoinit    *Display/Set automatic create empty tape file switch
    automount   *Display/Update allowable tape automount directories
    b           *Set breakpoint
    b+           Set breakpoint
    b-          *Delete breakpoint
    cache       *Execute cache related commands
    cachestat    Cache stats command
    capping     *Set/display capping value
    cckd        *cckd command
    cf          *Configure current CPU online or offline
    cfall        Configure all CPU's online or offline
    clocks       Display tod clkc and cpu timer
    cmdlevel    *Display/Set current command group
    cmdlvl       (alias for cmdlevel)
    cmdsep      *Display/Set command line separator
    cmpscpad    *Set/display the CMPSC zero padding value.
    cnslport     Set console port
    codepage    *Set/display code page conversion table
    conkpalv    *Display/alter console TCP keep-alive settings
    cp_updt     *Create/Modify user character conversion table
    cpu         *Define target cpu for panel display and commands
    cpuidfmt     Set format BASIC/0/1 STIDP generation
    cpumodel     Set CPU model number
    cpuprio      Set/Display cpuprio parameter
    cpuserial    Set CPU serial number
    cpuverid     Set CPU verion number
    cr          *Display or alter control registers
    cscript     *Cancels a running script thread
    ctc         *Enable/Disable CTC debugging
    define      *Rename device
    defstore    *Define/Display main and expanded storage values
    defsym      *Define symbol
    delsym      *Delete a symbol
    detach       Remove device
    devinit     *Reinitialize device
    devlist     *List device, device class, or all devices
    devprio      Set/Display devprio parameter
    devtmax     *Display or set max device threads
    diag8cmd     Set diag8 command option
    ds           Display subchannel
    dumpdev     *Specify bootstrap loader DUMP parameters
    ecps:vm     *Command deprecated - Use "ECPSVM"
    ecpsvm      *ECPS:VM Commands
    engines      Set engines parameter
    evm         *Command deprecated - Use "ECPSVM"
    exec        *Execute a Rexx script
    exit         (Synonym for 'quit')
    ext          Generate external interrupt
    fcb         *Display the current FCB (if only the printer is given)
    fpc         *Display or alter floating point control register
    fpr         *Display or alter floating point registers
    f{+/-}adr    Mark frames unusable/usable
    g            Turn off instruction stepping and start all CPUs
    gpr         *Display or alter general purpose registers
    hao         *Hercules Automatic Operator
    help        *list all commands / command specific help
    herclogo    *Read a new hercules logo file
    hercprio     Set/Display hercprio parameter
    hst         *History of commands
    http        *Start/Stop/Modify/Display HTTP Server
    httpport    *Command deprecated - Use "HTTP PORT ..."
    httproot    *Command deprecated - Use "HTTP ROOT fn"
    hwldr       *Specify boot loader filename
    i            Generate I/O attention interrupt for device
    iodelay     *Display or set I/O delay value
    ipending     Display pending interrupts
    ipl         *IPL from device or file
    iplc        *Command deprecated - use IPL with clear option
    k            Display cckd internal trace
    ldmod       *Load a module
    legacysen    Set legacysenseid setting
    loadcore    *Load a core image file
    loaddev     *Specify bootstrap loader IPL parameters
    loadparm    *Set IPL parameter
    loadtext    *Load a text deck file
    locks       *Display internal locks list
    log         *Direct logger output
    logopt      *Set/Display logging options
    lparname    *Set LPAR name
    lparnum     *Set LPAR identification number
    lsdep        List module dependencies
    lsmod        List dynamic modules
    mainsize    *Define/Display mainsize parameter
    manufactu    Set STSI manufacturer code
    maxcpu       Set maxcpu parameter
    maxrates    *Display highest MIPS/SIOS rate or set interval
    message     *Display message on console a la VM
    model       *Set/Query STSI model code
    modpath      Set module load path
    mounted_t   *Control tape initialization
    msg          Alias for message
    msglevel    *Display/Set current Message Display output
    msglvl       Alias for msglevel
    msgnoh       Similar to "message" but no header
    mt          *Control magnetic tape operation
    numcpu       Set numcpu parameter
    numvec       Set numvec parameter
    ostailor    *Tailor trace information for specific OS
    panrate     *Display or set rate at which console refreshes
    pantitle    *Display or set console title
    pgmprdos    *Set LPP license setting
    pgmtrace    *Trace program interrupts
    plant        Set STSI plant code
    pr           Display prefix register
    psw         *Display or alter program status word
    ptp         *Enable/Disable PTP debugging
    ptt         *Set or display internal trace
    qcpuid      *Display cpuid
    qd           Query dasd
    qpfkeys      Display the current PF Key settings
    qpid         Display Process ID of Hercules
    qports       Display TCP/IP ports in use
    qproc        Display processors type and utilization
    qstor        Display main and expanded storage values
    quiet       *Toggle automatic refresh of panel display data
    quit        *Terminate the emulator
    r           *Display or alter real storage
    restart      Generate restart interrupt
    resume       Resume hercules
    rexx        *display Rexx interpreter settings
    rmmod        Delete a module
    s           *Instruction stepping
    s+          *Instruction stepping on
    s-           Turn off instruction stepping
    s?          *Instruction stepping query
    savecore    *Save a core image to file
    sclproot    *Set SCLP base directory
    scpecho     *Set/Display option to echo to console and history of scp replys
    scpimply    *Set/Display option to pass non-hercules commands to the scp
    script      *Run a sequence of panel commands contained in a file
    scsimount   *Automatic SCSI tape mounts
    sf+dev       Add shadow file
    sf-dev       Delete shadow file
    sfc          Compress shadow files
    sfd          Display shadow file stats
    sfk         *Check shadow files
    sh          *Shell command
    shcmdopt     Set diag8 sh option
    shrd         shrd command
    shrdport     Set shrdport value
    sizeof       Display size of structures
    srvprio      Set/Display srvprio parameter
    ssd         *Signal shutdown
    start       *Start CPU (or printer/punch device if argument given)
    startall     Start all CPU's
    stop        *Stop CPU (or printer/punch device if argument given)
    stopall      Stop all CPU's
    store        Store CPU status at absolute zero
    suspend      Suspend hercules
    symptom      Alias for traceopt
    syncio       Display syncio devices statistics
    sysclear    *System Clear Reset manual operation
    sysepoch     Set sysepoch parameter
    sysreset    *System Reset manual operation
    s{+/-}dev    Turn CCW stepping on/off
    t           *Instruction trace
    t+          *Instruction trace on
    t-           Turn off instruction tracing
    t?          *Instruction trace query
    timerint    *Display or set timers update interval
    tlb          Display TLB tables
    toddrag      Display or set TOD clock drag factor
    todprio      Set/Display todprio parameter
    traceopt    *Instruction trace display options
    tt32        *Control/query CTCI-WIN functionality
    tzoffset     Set tzoffset parameter
    t{+/-}CKD    Turn CKD_KEY tracing on/off
    t{+/-}dev    Turn CCW tracing on/off
    u           *Disassemble storage
    uptime       Display how long Hercules has been running
    v           *Display or alter virtual storage
    version      Display version information
    xpndsize    *Define/Display xpndsize parameter
    yroffset     Set yroffset parameter

     (*)  Enter "help <command>" for more info.

The ipl command may also be used to perform a load from cdrom or server. For example if a standard SuSE S/390 Linux distribution CD is loaded and mounted on /cdrom for example, this cdrom may then be ipl-ed by: ipl /cdrom/suse.ins

The attach and detach commands are used to dynamically add or remove devices from the configuration, and the define command can be used to alter the device number of an existing device.

The devinit command can be used to reopen an existing device. The args (if specified) override the arguments specified in the configuration file for this device. The device type cannot be changed and must not be specified. This command can be used to rewind a tape, to mount a new tape or disk image file on an existing device, to load a new card deck into a reader, or to close and reopen a printer or punch device.

In single-step mode, pressing the enter key will advance to the next instruction.

There is also an alternate semi-graphical control panel. Press Esc to switch between the command line format and the semi-graphical format. Press ? to obtain help in either control panel.

When a command is prefixed with '-', the the command will not be redisplayed at the console. This can be used in scripts and is also used internally when commands are to be invoked without being redisplayed at the panel.

Additional Command Help

Some commands also offer additional help information regarding their syntax, etc. Enter  "help <command name>"   to display this additional help information. (Note: not every command supports additional help)

Hercules also supports the ability to automatically execute panel commands upon startup via the 'run-commands' file. If the run-commands file is found to exist when Hercules starts, each line contained within it is read and interpreted as a panel command exactly as if the command were entered from the HMC system console.

The default filename for the run-commands file is "hercules.rc", but may be overridden by setting the "HERCULES_RC" environment variable to the desired filename.

Except for the 'pause' command (see paragraph further below), each command read from the run-commands file is logged to the console preceded by a '> ' (greater-than sign) character so you can easily distinguish between panel commands entered from the keyboard from those entered via the .rc file.

Lines starting with '#' are treated as "silent comments" and are thus not logged to the console. Line starting with '*' however are treated as "loud comments" and will be logged.

In addition to being able to execute any valid panel command (including the 'sh' shell command) via the run-commands file, an additional 'pause nnn' command is supported in order to introduce a brief delay before reading and processing the next line in the file. The value nnn can be any number from 0.001 to 999.0 and specifies the number of seconds to delay before reading the next line. Creative use of the run-commands file can completely automate Hercules startup.

The Hercules Automatic Operator (HAO) feature is a facility which can automatically issue panel commands in response to specific messages appearing on the Hercules console.

To use the Hercules Automatic Operator facility, you first define a "rule" consisting of a "target" and an associated "command". The "target" is a regular expression pattern used to match against the text of the various messages that Hercules issues as it runs. Whenever a match is found, the rule "fires" and its associated command is automatically issued.

The Hercules Automatic Operator facility only operates on messages issued to the Hercules console. These messages may originate from Hercules itself, or from the guest operating system via the SCP SYSCONS interface or via the integrated console printer-keyboard (3215-C or 1052-C). HAO cannot intercept messages issued by the guest operating system to its own terminals.

Defining a Rule

To define a HAO rule, enter the command:

   hao tgt target

to define the rule's "target" match pattern followed by the command:

   hao cmd command

to define the rule's associated panel-command.

The target is a regular expression as defined by your host platform. When running on Linux, Hercules uses POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax. On a Windows platform, regular expression support is provided by Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE). The HAO facility can only be used if regular expression support was included in Hercules at build time.

The associated command is whatever valid Hercules panel command you wish to issue in response to a message being issued that matches the given target pattern.

Substituting substrings in the command

The command may contain special variables $1, $2, etc, which will be replaced by the values of "capturing groups" in the match pattern. A capturing group is a part of the regular expression enclosed in parentheses which is matched with text in the target message. In this way, commands may be constructed which contain substrings extracted from the message which triggered the command.

The following special variables are recognized:

Note that substitution of a $n variable does not occur if there are fewer than n capturing groups in the regular expression.

As an example, the rule below issues the command 'i 001F' in response to the message HHCTE014I 3270 device 001F client connection reset:

   hao tgt HHCTE014I 3270 device ([0-9A-F]{3,4})
   hao cmd i $1

Another example, shown below, illustrates how the dot matrix display of a 3480 tape unit might be used to implement an automatic tape library:

   hao tgt HHCTA010I ([0-9A-F]{4}): Now Displays: (?:".{8}" / )?"M([A-Z0-9]{1,6})\s*S"
   hao cmd devinit $1 /u/tapes/$2.awstape
Other commands and limitations

To delete a fully or partially defined HAO rule, first use the 'hao list' command to list all of the defined (or partially defined) rules, and then use the 'hao del nnn' command to delete the specific rule identified by nnn (all rules are assigned numbers as they are defined and are thus identified by their numeric value). Optionally, you can delete all defined or partially defined rules by issuing the command 'hao clear'.

The current implementation limits the total number of defined rules to 64. This limit may be raised by increasing the value of the HAO_MAXRULE constant in hao.c and rebuilding Hercules.

All defined rules are checked for a match each time Hercules issues a message. There is no way to specify "stop processing subsequent rules". If a message is issued that matches two or more rules, each associated command is then issued in sequence.

For technical support, please see our Technical Support web page.
