Hercules Version 3: System Messages: DS - dasdisup

This page describes the messages for the Hercules S/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture emulator utility program dasdisup.


HHCDS001E Cannot obtain storage for member array: error
An attempt to obtain storage for the array of SYS1.SVCLIB members failed. The error is described by error.
Correct the error and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function main
HHCDS002I End of directory: count members selected
The end of the SYS1.SVCLIB directory has been reached. count members have been selected for processing.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function main
HHCDS003E Directory block byte count is invalid
The length of the directory block read is invalid. The SYS1.SVCLIB directory is probably corrupt.
Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function process_dirblk
HHCDS004E Number of members exceeds MAX_MEMBERS
SYS1.SVCLIB has too many members to fit in the array used to store their information.
Increase the value of MAX_MEMBERS in dasdisup.c and recompile the program, then run it again.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function process_dirblk
HHCDS005E Member member TTR count is zero
The member named member has no data associated with it. Since aliases have been skipped already, this means that the SYS1.SVCLIB directory is corrupt.
Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and run dasdisup again.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function process_dirblk
HHCDS006W Member member is not single text record
The member named member is not contained in a single text record. This is an invalid condition. The member will be skipped later, and message HHCDS011E will be issued.
If this member must be processed, rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function process_dirblk
HHCDS007W Member member size size exceeds X'7F8' bytes
The member named member is too long. The maximum length of an OS/360 SVC load module is X'7F8' (2040 decimal) bytes. The member will be processed, but OS/360 will have problems with it.
Correct the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function process_dirblk
HHCDS008W Member member size size is not a multiple of 8
The member named member is not a multiple of 8 bytes long. Its actual size is size. This is not valid for an OS/360 load module. OS/360 will issue an ABEND when an attempt is made to load the module.
Correct the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function process_dirblk
HHCDS009I Alias alias skipped
The alias named alias has been skipped, since no processing is necessary for it.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS010I Member member skipped
The member named member has been skipped, since it does not have an XCTL table.
If the member should have an XCTL table, rebuild it in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS011E Member member has multiple text records
The member named member has multiple text records. This is not a valid condition for an OS/360 SVC module. The member will not be processed. Message HHCDS006W was issued for this member earlier.
If this member must be processed, rebuild it in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS012E Member member has invalid TTR ttr
The pointer to the text record for the member named member is invalid. The pointer found is ttr. The member cannot be located to be processed. The SYS1.SVCLIB directory is probably corrupt.
Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS013I Processing member member text record TTR=ttr CCHHR=cchhr
The member named member is being processed. Its relative location is ttr, and its absolute location is cchhr.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS014E Member member error reading TTR ttr
An attempt to read the member named member, at the relative location ttr, failed. The member cannot be processed.
Rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. If this is unsuccessful, rebuild the entire DASD volume.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS015E Member member TTR ttr text record length length is not valid
The length length of the text record at location ttr of the member named member is less than 8, greater than 1024, or not a multiple of 8. All of these conditions must be met for the length to be valid. The member is probably corrupt.
Rebuild the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS016E Member member TTR ttr text record length textlength does not match length dirlength in directory
The length textlength of the text record at location ttr is not the same as the length dirlength in the directory entry for member member. Either the member, or the directory, is probably corrupt.
Rebuild the member in SYS1.SVCLIB and rerun dasdisup. If this does not correct the problem, rebuild SYS1.SVCLIB in its entirety.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS017E Member member TTR ttr XCTL table improperly terminated
The XCTL table in member member at location ttr runs past the end of the text record. The member is probably corrupt.
Rebuild the member and rerun dasdisup.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS018I member (Alias|Member) skipped
The member or alias named member is not an Open, Close, or EOV module, and so does not have an XCTL table that needs to be updated. It has been skipped.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab
HHCDS019I In member member: reference TTRL=ttrl status
A reference to the member named reference in the member named member was found, The referenced member is at the location ttrl in the table. status is optional; it may be one of:
** Member reference not found
The referenced member was not found in SYS1.SVCLIB. The reference cannot be updated.
replaced by TTRL=newttrl flag
The reference was updated to point to the referenced member's actual location at newttrl. If flag is ****, the actual length of the referenced member is different from the length of the member in the reference pointer.
Issued by
dasdisup.c, function resolve_xctltab

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